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Scientific name: Pinus halepensis

Common name: White pine, Aleppo pine

Family: Pinaceae

Origin: Mediterranean


Pinus halepensis is a very common type of conifer in the Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean areas.



It is very important to avoid waterlogging in this species. This pine is resistant to drought physiological characteristics, therefore the leaf structure and root structure will not withstand excess water.

This species of pine generally tends to form a symbiosis with mycorrhizae. This structure is a fungus that facilitates the absorption of nutrients.

Excess water and flooding is especially harmful for the survival of this species, as the mycorrhizae can die and  the tree die too.



It should be similar to other species. Periodically with a complete and specific fertilizer for bonsai. Mainly during spring, summer (a little less if it is very hot) and autumn; and in the winter, we will decrease the frequency or stop altogether.


For adults, and as maintenance, we will fertilize less and the amount of nitrogen must be reduced. Nitrogen promotes the growth of needles (leaves) in quantity and, above all, in size, which will require pruning to control their growth.



Transplanting Pinos is a little more sensitive and delicate than in other species of simpler bonsai, as it is necessary to avoid cutting the roots too much. It is not advisable to renew the substrate all at once. Root pruning should not exceed 1/3 of its total volume.

The recommended frequency for transplantation should be every 3 years.

There are specific substrates for repotting.



Its vigorous growth means that the sails are cut at least twice a year. After the first cut, it regrows very strongly.

We must prune the stronger (bigger) candles more while pruning less (or not at all) the weaker (small) ones, in order to balance the plant.



It is very resistant to pests and diseases.

May be affected by mites. The leaves lose their color and weaken the tree. It must be fought with an acaricide.

The aphid can affect you, but it is uncommon. It easily treated with a specific insecticide.

Finally, there are some varieties of fungus that can affect you. In this case, they should be treated with a fungicide



From the end of autumn to the beginning of spring, we must avoid wire in summer.

Copper wire is recommended.


Pinus halepensis 9 anos

SKU: P1954
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